If you ever wanted a brighter smile, modern dentistry offers numerous opportunities to whiten and brighten your teeth. Numerous over-the-counter products exist today to enhance your smile with whitening substances, including in mouthwash, toothpaste, and even chewing gum. However, the most effective form of whitening teeth treatment is teeth whitening systems. Although teeth whitening treatment systems are highly effective, it... read more »
Tooth enamel is made from a complex matrix of dense mineral crystals. This helps your teeth to resist the development of tooth decay. However, when a tooth is chipped or fractures, the increased surface area and minute textures created in the tooth’s enamel layer can cause significant problems. If you don’t have the fractured tooth examined the treated by a... read more »
The Dental Studio practices a special kind of dentistry referred to as holistic dentistry. What exactly is that? We’re glad you asked! Holistic dentistry is a form of complementary and alternative medicine for your teeth. It emphasizes approaching dental care in the context of well-being, not just teeth. We draw from a blend of modern science and natural healing remedies.... read more »
When a cavity or dental fracture alters the biting surface of a molar or premolar it can cause significant distress, while also limiting your ability to chew, and grind food. In many of these cases, Dr. David S. Peterson can repair the compromised area of tooth enamel with a dental filling. Inlay dental fillings are often used to repair a... read more »
Did you know, flossing is important to your oral health? Well, it’s true! Many people might have heard the importance of flossing, but do you understand why your dentist tells you to do so? Here at The Dental Studio in Sandy, Utah, our team of experts are happy to give you all the reasons you need to ensure you floss... read more »
If you wish to improve your oral health, good oral hygiene and daily cleaning habits are critical for making sure your mouth is always clean and clear of harmful debris. However,another solution is to eat the right products and make sure your diet is not only healthy for your body but is also good for your mouth and teeth. Listed... read more »
Winter is right around the corner, which means it’s time to prepare for the weather, holidays, and much more. You can also prepare for your smile if you’re feeling up to it. To help you, our dentist, Dr. David S. Peterson, has some tips and recommendations that can help you protect your smile while you participate in winter sports and... read more »
Summer is slowly coming to an end and the first day of school is right around the corner. As you get ready for the new school year, it's important to also get your smile ready. There are a few things you can do this summer to help you have a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile at school. No. 1: Visit... read more »
Acute bad breath caused by consuming pungent foods and beverages can often be resolved by brushing and flossing your teeth. However, chronic bad breath can sometimes be a symptom of a more serious oral health condition that might require professional treatment. If you’ve been struggling to identify the source of your chronic bad breath problems, you should consider scheduling a... read more »
Kid’s never come with training manuals, so how do you know when to start teaching kids about their oral health? Luckily, our team here at The Dental Studio in Sandy, Utah, is happy to help you guide your children to learn great oral health habits like brushing their teeth. It is always important to begin teaching your children about their... read more »